Friday, May 20, 2011


Hola amigos!

This is the beginning of my travel blog for my summer trip to Spain. I figure that with limited access to phones and hopefully decent internet, I can keep in contact with the most people this summer via this blog.

So to get started, I figured I'd explain the name. For those of you who don't speak Spanish, "conmigo" means "with me." I'd like for this blog to become just that. While I am using it for contact with my friends and family back in the states, I also plan to use this as a journal to record my own thoughts and feelings about Spain and my time abroad. I want my readers, whether it's you now or me five years from now, to get a sense of how I'm spending my days, what kind of food I'm eating, the types of people I've met, and more. I'll be posting pictures, linking to the daily news and other things.

I'll also be doing some back and forth between Spanish and English, just as I'm sure my adventures will be. If I ever forget to translate something, feel free to comment and let me know, or plug it into Google translate for yourself, if you're not inclined to wait.

Translation for today, the title of the post. "Bienvenidos" means "welcome."

So bienvenidos to my blog!